Special Edition T-Shirt by Naima Karlsson
This is a Special Edition T-Shirt made in association with the book 'Still Life Big Data' by Naima Karlsson.
'Still Life Big Data' is over 10 years worth of collected words and numbers from the newspaper listings of horse races, combined with recent images, drawings and data found or created by the artist. The book is a sequence of visual and verbal material, intended to read as an extended poem or / long equation of words + images. As mathematics uses patterns and equations to solidify immaterial phenomena into proof and truth, the book combines visual and verbal still lives = as a nexus of stand-ins for the human associations conjured by our eyes and minds.
DoBeDo's 'Photographers T-Shirt Series' started in 2009 and has included over thirty photographers over the last fourteen years. T-Shirts are also available via our 'Photographers T-Shirt Series Subscription.'